8 Early Signs of Glaucoma and What to Do

8 Early Signs of Glaucoma and What to Do

8 Early Signs of Glaucoma and What to Do

8 Early Signs of Glaucoma and What to Do

It’s estimated that around three million people in the United States currently have glaucoma, with the vast majority being over 40. However, this number is expected to increase over the next decade, with predictions suggesting that over 111 million people globally will suffer from glaucoma by 2040.

Glaucoma is the name given to a group of eye conditions that cause damage to the optic nerve – the nerve responsible for sending messages between your eyes and brain. It is commonly caused by an accumulation of fluid that increases pressure inside the eye and the pressure on the optic nerve. Prompt treatment for glaucoma is essential since any vision loss due to the disease is permanent.

As with any eye disease, the sooner it’s detected, the more effective treatment is likely to be. Look for these eight early signs of glaucoma to protect yourself against this debilitating disease.


1 – Loss of peripheral vision

The most common type of glaucoma – open-angle glaucoma – rarely causes any symptoms before it is detected. However, one of the signs of this type of glaucoma is a loss of peripheral vision. The vision you can notice out of the corner of your eye when you are looking straight forward.


2 – Persistent headaches

Unsurprisingly, building pressure inside your head can be painful, and this can cause you to experience headaches. The severity of these may vary, and they may come and go, but you will almost certainly notice them becoming more frequent.


3 – Tenderness around the eyes

Your eyes may look normal, but they may feel tender if you touch the area around them. Some patients report their eyes feeling tight and feeling pressure in a band around their eyes and head.


4 – Blurred vision

As pressure on the optic nerve increases, it affects the ease with which messages are relayed. This means that the messages sent between the eyes and brain can be mixed or confused, causing blurred vision.


5 – Halos around lights

Glaucoma can also cause the appearance of halos – circles of light – when you look at a light source, such as a streetlamp, car headlight, or candle.


6 – Severe eye pain

Closed-angle or acute glaucoma is a much rarer form of the condition. It occurs when glaucoma develops suddenly, causing symptoms including severe eye pain. It is unlikely that taking pain medication will provide relief. Acute glaucoma is classified as an emergency. It can cause sight loss to occur much more quickly than open-angle glaucoma.


7 – Nausea and vomiting

Nausea and vomiting often accompany severe eye pain in patients with acute glaucoma and are another sign that you need to see your eye doctor immediately.


8 – Sudden vision loss

If you experience sudden vision loss, even if it’s not a total loss, you should speak to your eye doctor immediately, especially if it is accompanied by any of the other symptoms listed here.

With prompt treatment, it’s possible to prevent any further vision loss. However, any vision loss as a result of glaucoma cannot be restored.

If you have any concerns about glaucoma or any of the symptoms listed here, visit Cleburne Eye Clinic at our office in Cleburne, Texas. You can call (817) 645-2411 to book an appointment today.

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