Can Dry Eyes Cause Permanent Eye Damage?

Can Dry Eyes Cause Permanent Eye Damage?

Can Dry Eyes Cause Permanent Eye Damage?

Can Dry Eyes Cause Permanent Eye Damage?

Dry eye syndrome is when the eyes fail to produce adequate tears to provide the required lubrication. Most people experience mild symptoms such as irritation or light sensitivity, but the symptoms can be severe for others.

If not treated, it can lead to severe complications. It can also cause infection or vision problems. Find out if dry eyes can cause permanent eye damage.


Experiencing Dry Eyes

Dry eyes can be temporary or permanent. It depends on the patient and the situation. People experience temporary dry eyes through certain medications, exposure to allergens, or too much digital screen use.

Eliminating the triggers helps relieve the symptoms. Chronic dry eye is usually more severe, and the symptoms can last for months or years. When seeking treatment, the doctor will want to know any underlying conditions that may be responsible.


Symptoms of Dry Eye

Dry eye usually affects both eyes. The symptoms of the condition include:


  • A burning, scratchy, or stinging sensation

  • Sensitivity to light

  • Stringy mucus around and in the eyes

  • The feeling that something is in the eye

  • Eye redness

  • Blurry vision or eye fatigue

  • Excessive tearing or watery eyes

  • Difficulty with night vision

  • Difficulty wearing contacts


Dry Eye and Vision Issues

Dry eye syndrome can cause issues ranging from mild visual impairment to complete blindness. Common symptoms of the syndrome include blurry vision, increased tear production, and sensitivity to light. Treatment helps relieve the symptoms and can reduce the risk of complications. In most cases, treatment for dry eye is ongoing.


Complications of Dry Eye

If left untreated, dry eye can lead to long-term eye complications, such as:


  • Difficulty reading, driving, and performing other tasks

  • Eye damage such as corneal ulcers or scratches

  • Corneal scarring

  • Vision complications such as blurred vision or vision loss

  • Increased risk of eye infections


Permanent Damage From Dry Eye

The film that covers the front part of the eye, known as the cornea, can become scratched over time. Minor scratches usually heal with time, but the formation of scars can cause vision problems.

Mild or moderate dry eye may not lead to infection or permanent damage, especially if the person gets treatment. However, severe dry eye can damage the cornea, which can cause impaired vision. Corneal damage causes the vision to be cloudy or blurry, which can lead to blindness.


Treating Cornea Damage

The doctor can recommend treatment to prevent permanent vision loss when the cornea is damaged. Treatment options include eye drops or ointments, antibiotics, or anti-inflammatory eye drops. Other options include eye patches, special custom contact lenses, and autologous serum tears.

If the treatments fail to provide relief, the doctor may recommend surgery or a corneal transplant. The procedure involves replacing the damaged cornea with donor tissue, which can help restore vision.

Addressing underlying health conditions helps relieve dry eye. Making lifestyle changes can help to treat the condition. Eating a healthy diet, avoiding smoking, drinking plenty of water, and limiting screen time can help prevent eye dryness. If you wear contact lenses, talk to your doctor about switching to special scleral lenses.

For more about dry eyes, visit Cleburne Eye Clinic at our Cleburne, Texas, office. Call (817) 645-2411 to schedule an appointment today.

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